
Why use coaching to help you with your career?

Coaching can help you to deal with work related issues, improve performance, assist in the identification of future change along with understanding yourself and the direction that is right for you through insight and reflection.

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Are you unhappy in your job?

Are you unsure if your  career path is right for you?

Are you confused about which course to study?

If so, you’ve come to the right place!

Career coaching is designed to help you find your ideal career so you can enjoy your work rather than spend all week counting down the days until the weekend. Life is far too short to stay in a job you hate!

As a qualified coach, I will work with you to help you find your passion, move forward in your career and achieve your full potential!

I’ll design a coaching programme, tailored just for you, that is structured and holistic, and incorporates psychometric assessments, positive psychology-based techniques and empathic coaching.

We’ll work together on aspects such as your values, strengths, confidence, team engagement and wellbeing to support you towards meeting your personal and professional goals.

Why use coaching to help you with your career?

Coaching can bring about change on so many different levels.

"The aim is to help and support people to manage their own learning in order that they maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and enable them to become the person they want to be" - Parsloe and Way, 2000

Coaching can help you to deal with work related issues, improve performance, assist in the identification of future change along with understanding yourself and the direction that is right for you through insight and reflection.

"There is always an inner game being played in your mind no matter what the outer game you are playing. How you play the game makes the difference between success and failure." - Tim Gallwey

Our state of mind affects performance. Coaching can help you to create for yourself an understanding of what is getting in the way of you achieving your desired outcome. It will enable you to be more authentic and will give you the tools and skills to achieve.

Coaching is similar to counselling in that the relationship between you and your coach is fundamental to the success of the work. However, the work is usually shorter term and more performance focused. Sessions are more flexible, more spaced out, to enable change to to occur.

Why me?

As an experienced career coach, I have many years of working with individuals from many different professions and life experiences. 

Maybe you want to change career or find ways to improve performance or to be able to further your career?

The key is that you want to find a way to affect change; to move direction, to improve your capabilities, to achieve your potential and further yourself.

You will find me to be warm, approachable and professional. I am non-judgment and impartial.

The sessions are confidential and provide a safe environment for us to work. 

Our first session together will be about establishing what you are wanting to achieve and whether I will be the right person for you.

If you do want to proceed, then we can then talk more about this and the process.

What can you expect from the sessions?

The start of the work will be to look at where you are and what you are wanting to achieve. Moving forward we can look at what is getting in the way,  or what is the difficulty? Then to enable to get to a place where you can move forward more productively, with fewer obstacles. 

The sessions can be as frequent as you feel you need them to be. I work flexibly to enable you to go at your pace.

I welcome feedback so as to create a collaborative working relationship. 

Want to know more?

Please feel free to contact me using the button below

Contact me to start the conversation